Prim’s algorithm is a greedy algorithm used to generate the MST of a weighted, undirected graph.


Get the actual pseudocode

Algorithm Prim(Graph, optional start):
	MST ← Graph ADT
	Add start node to T (or random node if start isn't specified)
	While T.vertices = G.vertices do: #O(|V|)
		Get all outgoing edges from T #O(|E|)
		Select cheapest edge e (u-v), where u is in T
		If v in T, discard it
		Add e to T
	End do
	Return T
End Algorithm 


Time Complexity:

for outer while loop x for getting all outgoing edges (inner loop)

Given a complete graph, where = , Prim’s takes = =

Proof Of Correctness

Via Loop Invariants

Loop Invariant: The subtree T generated by Prim’s is a subset of the true MST (T*) for all iterations

Initialization: Before the loop, T contains no edges. Therefore, it can be trivially proven that T is a subset of T*, as an empty set is a subset of all sets:

Maintenance: For each iteration, Prim’s only selects the cheapest edge, , and does not permit it to cause an cycles. According to the cut property, all MSTs contain e, therefore

Termination: The loop terminates only when all the nodes from T* are in T. Since, for each iteration, T is a subset of T*, during the termination of loop T = T*.
