A ring of charge is a Continuous Charge Distribution that in the shape of a ring. It does not have any area or volume.

Electric Field

Assume we are looking at the electrical field along the central axis (line that goes through the centre). Then:

  • = Electric field of the ring (in )
  • = Total charge of ring (in )
  • = Distance from centre. (in )
  • = Unit vector perpendicular to the plane of the ring (i.e. direction the ring is ‘facing’ )

Derivation (Without Gauss’ Law)

Assume we have a circular ring of charge, , with total charge enclosed and a radius, . Finally, let’s place a reference point charge ( along the central axis, at a height, . We can also use (from the Z-Axis) to aid in trigonometry.


We aim to use the formula for Electric Fields, combined with symmetry and integration to obtain the total electric field:

Since we cannot get the exact charge due to the continuous distribution, we can use a very, very small section of the ring, which we can treat as a point charge. To do this, we can use infinitesimals ().

Now, being a vector, can be divided into it’s X, Y and Z components. However, due to the symmetry of the ring, for every section, , that we take, there is an opposite section that cancels out the X and Y component:

Ring of Charge 2024-07-28 12.59.48.excalidraw So the only component we need to worry about the is the Z component:


Integrate both sides to obtain the total electric field. We can pull out because these stay constant throughout all sections of the circle:

Finally, we can express everything in terms of and :

600 So our final answer is: