The graph of is:

  • defines the graph as that of a real-valued, 3-dimensional function
  • defines the domain of the function

Level Curves & Contours

A curve on the surface for when stays constant is called a contour. If we take the example of a hemisphere, a contour would be one of the ‘rings’ on the hemisphere.

If that contour is drawn on the plane (i.e. ), it is known as a level curve. Again, with the hemisphere example, the level curve would looking at the ring from the top, downwards.


The key steps in drawing a graph of a function of two variables are:

  1. Draw some level curves.
  2. Draw the x-z and y-z cross sections. (known as traces)
  3. Draw the x, y, z axes.
  4. Draw the contours for the level curves you found earlier.
  5. Add the cross sections you drew earlier.
  6. Label any x, y, z axis intercepts and key points.
