When a current carrying wire is place in a magnetic field, it experiences a magnetic force. We can use the formula for Torque to calculate the total torque on a loop of current.
Given a loop of wire with Current flowing through it, we can calculate the torque experienced when the loop is place in an external magnetic field.
Torque on a Loop of Current in a Magnetic Field
- = Net Torque on loop (in )
- = Magnetic Dipole Moment (in )
- = Magnetic Field (in )
- = Current (in )
- = Area Vector (in )
- = Angle between and
This principle is used extensively in Motors. The direction of the torque is the axis on which the motor spins on. A higher torque means higher angular acceleration, i.e. faster spin.
In a motor
A motor consists of a square loop of current in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to it’s base: