A limit is the value that a mathematical function approaches to as its input approaches some value. In other words, it is the value that a function converges to, but does not necessarily equate to. Limits are used to define derivates (using First Principles) and continuity, as well as to find the long-term behaviour of a function

Definition & Properties

Let , where , the domain, is a subset of all real numbers (i.e. a real-valued function). Then:

  • As x approaches a, f(x) approaches (or converges) to L

Well, that’s a simplified definition. A more formal (and mathematically correct definition) can be found here: Formal Definition of a Limit

Limits must be:

  • Unique: There cannot be two limits for a given function at the same point. This leads into the > Theorem - Limits from different Sides
  • Real: Limits must belong to the real set,
  • Finite: While x can approach infinity, the limit of must be finite i.e. limits can never be infinity. This property makes solving limits tricky, which is why various methods to evaluate limits exist

Theorem - Limits from different Sides

Since limits must be unique, piecewise functions cannot have a defined limit if, as the input approaches a value, the function approaches multiple values, even if they aren’t defined at that input value. I.e. cannot equal both and (or however many possible values)

As you can see, limits can have different values if the function is approached from the right or left side. Hence, to solve this problem a simple theorem exists:

In plain words, the limit exists at a point a if, and only if, the right hand and left hand side limits both exist and are equal. In the example above, because (limit from the right side) and (limit from the left side), the limits from different sides are unequal. Hence, the limit does not exist at .

Limit Laws

Limit Laws

Just as most operators, like the integral and have their own respective laws as to what addition, multiplication, etc. mean for them, limits also have certain limit laws. These help decompose a complex limit into a simpler version.


Addition does not affect limits, we can ‘pull out’ the plus sign from the limit. E.g.

Constant factors multiplication (and division) do not affect limits. E.g.

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Standard Limits

Standard Limits

The following limits do need any further proof to be used. Make sure to say that they are standard limits in working out.

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Solving Limits As X Approaches Infinity

There are multiple methods for solving limits as x approaches infinity (since limits cannot equal infinity) that have unique conditions.

Function FormTechniqueNotes
where common terms existDivide numerator and denominator by the
[[Complexity Analysis#asymptotic-notation
fastest growing term]].
Multiply and divide by conjugateIf the function is expressed as then it’s conjugate is
or [[L’Hôpital’s RuleL’Hôpital’s Rule]]
None of the previous methods work[[Sandwich TheoremSandwich Theorem]]