An inverse matrix is a matrix that, when multiplied with another matrix, returns the Identity Matrix. A matrix is invertible if it has an inverse matrix, and singular if it doesn’t.


Inverse Matrix

Let there be a square matrix . If there exists a matrix inverse such that:

where is the identity matrix of size ,

If exists, is invertible If does not exist, then is said to be singular.

This also leads to some interesting consequences:

  • is unique i.e. there can only exist one inverse for a given matrix
  • has the same size as i.e. same number of rows and columns.
  • If is invertible, then is invertible and .
  • The inverse of the identity matrix is the identity matrix:
  • The zero matrix is singular
  • A matrix that has a row or column consisting entirely of zeros is singular.



is invertible iff it has a non-zero Determinant:

is invertible iff it can be row-reduced to .


Let and be invertible matrices and be a non-zero scalar, then:

  • if

Obtaining the Inverse Matrix

Calculating Inverse Matrices