Simulated Annealing is a heuristic approach that uses probability to determine a solution. It approximates the global optimum (the best solution), in a reasonable amount of time. Its name comes from metallurgy, in which metals are heating to high temperatures, then cooled, in a process called annealing.
The process works as follows:
- Generate a random solution.
- Calculate its cost using a cost function,
- Generate a random neighbouring (adjacent) solution.
- Calculate the new solution’s cost using )
- Compare solutions:
- f c(new) < c(old) and temperature permits, move to the new solution.
- If c(new) > c(old) and temperature permits, maybe move to the new solution.
- Repeat steps 3–4 until an acceptable solution is found or you reach some maximum number of iterations
ALGORITHM SimulatedAnnealing(temp, iterations):
solution ← Randomly Generated Solution
c() ← Cost Function
For i from 1 to iterations do:
solution* ← Adjacent solution, generated randomly
delta ← c(solution*) - c(solution)
pr ← e^(-delta/temp) #e being euler's constant
If pr > random_value between 0 and 1 then:
solution ← solution*
End if
t ← 0.9 * t #The cooling can be any formula
End do
return solution, c(solution)
End Algorithm