The Knapsack Problem is another famous optimisation problem studied in computer science. In this problem, the goal is to fit as many ‘valuable’ items in a limited-capacity knapsack (backpack) as it can hold. The goal is to maximise the total value of all the items in the knapsack, without exceeding it’s capacity.

Decision Version: NP-Complete

Given a subset of items with values and weights, can a total value of be achieved, without exceeding weight ?

Optimisation Version:

Given a subset of items with weights and values, what is the maximum value that can be obtained with the least weight ?

Exhaustive/Brute-force approach:

  1. Every item can either be in the knapsack, or not in the knapsack.
  2. Therefore we can say that each item has 2 states, and those are multiplied for a given combination

Therefore, we have a time complexity of , making this algorithm intractable.

Dynamic Programming
