Dijkstra’s algorithm finds the shortest path from a starting node to any other node, i.e. it generates a shortest-path tree. It can be used to solve the single source shortest path problem.
It should not be used on Graph with Negative Weight Cycle
Algorithm Dijkstra(Graph,source):
unexplored_nodes ← Min Priority Queue ADT
cwn ← Node ADT
For each vertex v in G do: #O(|V|)
v.dist ← ∞
v.parent ← None
End do
Enqueue source to PQueue with priority source.dist (i.e. 0)
While unexplored_nodes is not empty do: #O(|V|)
cwn ← Dequeued element from unexplored_nodes
Remove cwn from unexplored nodes
For each neighbour n of cwn do: #O(|V|)
this_dist ← cwn.dist + weight(cwn-n)
if this_dist < n.dist then:
n.dist ← cwn.dist + weight(cwn-n)
n.parent ← cwn
End if
End do
End do
Return nodes.dist, nodes.parent
End Algorithm
for initialising vertices + for checking every neighbour for each node =