The following axioms must hold true for a Vector Space to be defined. Assume* and , where is the set of vectors and is the set of scalars.

V1. Associativity of Vector Addition

We can change the parenthesis for vector addition, as long as the operands remain the same:

V2. Commutativity of Vector Addition

The operands in vector addition can be flipped:

V3. Existence of Zero Vector

There must exist a vector which does not affect vector addition on another vector:

V4. Existence of Additive Inverse

For all vectors in , there must exist an opposite vector, called the additive inverse. The sum of a vector and it’s additive inverse must equal the zero vector:

V5. Compatibility of scalar multiplication and field multiplication

Scalar multiplication (scalar multiplied by a vector) and field multiplication ( scalar times a scalar) are compatible:

\alpha \odot \underbrace{ (\beta \odot \vec{a}) }_{F \odot V } = \underbrace{ (\alpha \odot \beta) }_{ F \odot F } \odot \vec{a}$$ >[!info] Quick note > >This one is usually called the associativity of scalar multiplication, but that's ***wrong***. When we do $\alpha \odot \vec{a}$, it is very different from doing $\alpha \odot \beta$, as one of them is scalar multiplied with a vector (scalar multiplication) , and another is a scalar multiplied with a scalar (field multiplication). By definition, a field has [multiplication associativity with itself]( Also note that this *isn't* associativity of scalar multiplication. We don't need $\alpha \odot \vec{a} = \vec{a} \odot \alpha$ to define a vector space. ##### V6. Multiplication of the unit scalar Scalar multiplication with the [field unity]( does not affect the vector:

1_{F} \odot \vec{a} = \vec{a}$$

Sometimes the field unity is called the unit scalar

V7. Distributivity of scalar multiplication with respect to vector addition

We can expand out (distribute) the multiplication of a scalar to the sum of two vectors:

V8. Distributivity of scalar multiplication with respect to field addition

We can expand out (distribute) the multiplication of a sum of scalars to another vector:

Again here it’s important to note that associativity of multiplication doesn’t have to be defined. We can have a perfectly valid vector space with only left scalar multiplication being defined i.e. without right multiplication () being defined!