A loop invariant is a property of a loop that holds True:

  • Before the loop (Initialization)
  • After each iteration of the loop (Maintenance)
  • After the loop (Termination)

However, a loop invariant does not necessarily have to be true throughout the loop.

A loop invariant can be used in a inductive proof to prove an algorithm is correct

Proof by induction using loop invariants

To prove an algorithm’s correctness using loop invariants, we must show: 

  1. The loop invariant is True before the start of the first loop. 
  2. If the loop invariant is True for one iteration of the loop, then it is True for the next iteration. 
  3. When the loop terminates, the loop invariant, along with the reason that the loop terminated, gives us a useful property. 

Note that the loop invariant isn’t necessarily True throughout the loop.

Prim’s Algorithm

Proof Of Correctness

Via Loop Invariants

Loop Invariant: The subtree T generated by Prim’s is a subset of the true MST (T*) for all iterations

Initialization: Before the loop, T contains no edges. Therefore, it can be trivially proven that T is a subset of T*, as an empty set is a subset of all sets:

Maintenance: For each iteration, Prim’s only selects the cheapest edge, , and does not permit it to cause an cycles. According to the cut property, all MSTs contain e, therefore

Termination: The loop terminates only when all the nodes from T* are in T. Since, for each iteration, T is a subset of T*, during the termination of loop T = T*.

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