A search algorithm that fully traverses a possible path before checking it’s neighbours. It dives in ‘depth first’. It uses a the stack ADT to store nodes.


Algorithm DFS(Graph, start,end):

	stack ← Stack ADT
	output ← List
	visited ← Set ADT
	cwn ← Node ADT

	Push start to stack
	While stack is not Empty do: #O(|V|)
		cwn ← Popped value from stack
		If cwn not in visited then:
			Add cwn to visited
			Add cwn to output
			For edge cwn-v in outgoing edges do: #O(|E|)
				If v = end then:
					Add end to output
					Return output
				Else if v not in seen_nodes then:
					Push v to stack
				End if
			End do
		End if
	End do
	Return "FAIL"
End Algorithm


Time Complexity:

for stack + for checking outgoing edges =

Given a complete graph, DFS would take i.e. Worst-case it has to check the entire graph via it’s edges and store every node in the stack



import networkx as nx
from ADTs import Stack
def DFS(G: nx.Graph, start_node=None, end_node=None):
    # Setting start_node to the 'first' node in a graph
    if start_node == None:
        start_node = list(G)[0]
    # Initialize the Stact ADT to keep track of nodes
    # And a set of 'seen' nodes
    S = Stack()
    seen_nodes = set()
    output = []
    while S.isFull():
        cwn = S.pop()    # Set Current Working Node to popped value
        # Do end_node check early
        # Note the check if a node is seen is done AFTER removing it from stack
        if cwn not in seen_nodes:
            if cwn == end_node and end_node != None:
                return (output)
            neighbours = list(G.adj[cwn])
            for neighbour in neighbours:
    return output
import networkx as nx
def Recursive_DFS(G: nx.Graph, start, end=None, output=list(), seen_nodes=set()):
    if start == end and end != None:
        return (output)
    neighbours = list(G.adj[start])
    for neighbour in neighbours:
        if neighbour not in seen_nodes:
            Recursive_DFS(G, neighbour)
    return (output)