Binary search is a divide and conquer search algorithm that runs on sorted arrays to find a specified value, by dividing the array into half every iteration.


Algorithm BinarySearch(A, target): #A is a sorted array
	min ← 1 #In code it would 0
	max ← length of A #len(A) - 1
	While min < max do:
		mid = (min + max)//2
		If A[mid] < target then:
			min = mid + 1
		Else if A[mid] target then:
			max = mid - 1
			return mid
	End do
End Algorithm

Proof Of Correctness Via Loop Invariants

Notice how min and max are always surrounding the target value, for every iteration. This can be used to construct a loop invariant:

Loop Invariant: for all iterations

  • i(0) : min = 1 and max = len(A), therefore min and max enclose the entire array
  • i(n): Assume that for each iteration i, the loop invariant holds true i.e.
  • i(n+1): [By Cases]
    • Case 1 (): Trivially proven
    • Case 2 ( ): max is now updated to mid - 1, keeping target between min and max
    • Case 3 (): min is updated to mid + 1, keeping target between min and max
  • Therefore, since i(n+1) is true for all cases, and i(0) is true, it can be proven, via induction, that binary search is correct.

Complexity Analysis

Time Complexity:

Every iteration of Binary search reduces the search space of the array by half. Therefore the recurrence relation would be

Using Iteration: